Okay, the post title sounds like I had plastic surgery or something! Oh, how I would love that. A little nip and tuck, okay, I would need A LOT of nips and A LOT of tucks! But this post isn't about that. It is about a little more work done in my classroom today. I managed to get some things accomplished but not everything which really saddens me because I will not be able to get into my class until I get back from Alaska. Which is the 20th. Good thing we don't start back to school until the 4th of September or I would be in serious trouble. Some parts of my room still look like a pack of wolves decided to den there!
Well since I am on a tangent of random posting, I might as well add this as well. I was contacted by the Dean of ECSE at CSUS to see if I would be willing to become a mentor teacher and have a student teacher this fall. WHAT? Was she serious? I am ONLY entering my 3rd year teaching and they want me to be a mentor? I really thought someone was playing a joke on me. But no, it is true. My district highly recommended me and Dr. BR was serious. She already gave the student teacher my contact information. I am so honored but scared to death at the same time. SO - if anyone reads this and you happen to be a mentor teacher, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE with cherries on top, send me some advice. ANY advice would be so appreciated!
OK... with that being said, here are some of my transformations in my room. This is not completely finished yet, still working on areas but I did make some pretty good progress today. Oh, I don't know who's blog I read this on, but whoever gave me the idea of using contact paper to change the color of your desk/table tops, you are a Genius! A very patient GENIUS! I love the idea and did use it to put on my desk and a couple of the tables BUT... BUBBLES.. BUBBLES... UGH! Those horrible BUBBLES. I tried using a credit card, ruler, wet sponge, my thumb and I almost used my hammer but decided I really needed a desk so I probably shouldn't take it out on the desk! I had to just walk away from it. I love what it looks like from a distant though! Check out the before and afters.....

Yep, I am missing the month of September. For the life of me I cannot find it. Guess that means I don't have to start school until October!
Aren't these just the cutest little chairs you have ever seen? I LOVE them!
I download this from somewhere, I really am SO bad about not remembering. Please, if you see this and you were the one who did it, please email me so I can give you credit. I did however have it blown up to poster size at SamsClub (for $5) and then mod podged it on to a canvas. I need to add a bow or something. I am still thinking about that one!
Of course, I am ALL about the BLING! Notice my crystal rhinestones on the letters? Hard to see in the picture but they really are CUTE!!
One of my Pinterest inspirations. Got the letters at Hobby Lobby on sale for $4 then added scrapbook paper and of course "Mod Podge"
I actually had a person comment on this photo before and tell me she didn't like it because she said it was way too busy. What are your thoughts? Does it look too busy?
Before the BUBBLE contact paper
AFTER the BUBBLE Contact paper
The sign says: Quiet Spot Caddy
I use a "Quiet Spot" in my room and fill it with sensory manipulative's so my kiddos can take a break and get some frustration out if needed.
This is my color of the week/month wall and the big clip indicates what color we are working on.
Desk with BUBBLE contact paper but no white paper on the cabinet behind my desk yet. Oh and no computer. SAD story... my lovely computer that was donated by OO.com through DonorsChoose.org broke. It just crashed after only 3 months. It is in the repair shop getting a whole new motherboard. That doesn't sound good!
Cabinet with white paper. Still need to put the borders around it. BLUE TAPE ladies.. just hang it with Blue Tape. I love that stuff and it sticks all year!
OOPS! Had to show those CUTE little chairs again. I wish I could just sit in them. Goldilocks ring a bell? Little Bears chair ringing a bell? I would be more like GoldiROCKS.... as in HEAVY rocks that smashes cute, little, pink chairs!
My made over FREE Craigslist find! Turned it into a dramatic play cabinet!
I am still on the prowl, hunt, gotta find spree for another cute rug for here. Candyland not cutting the decor! We will still use the candyland rug to play the game though. The pieces are huge and the kiddos love to play that game.
Thanks for letting me ramble on and on and on... I really am loving my room this year and just know it is going to be a happy little place (wish it was the Happiest place on earth like Disneyland but I will have to settle for happy little place!).
Good night everyone! Have a FABULOUS weekend!