Yesterday was the teacher's first day back and we sat in meetings all day yesterday and today. Kiddo's don't start until Tuesday of next week but I still feel so unprepared and my room just isn't coming together how I wished. We are so limited on what we can do in our room because of the Fire Marshall's rules. I was just told today that the cute curtains that I put up on the door are not allowed, the paper I put on the door is not allowed and I cannot have any thing within 24" from the doors. Also, nothing hanging from the ceilings, only 20% of our room can have paper on the walls and we cannot have any thing within 2 feet from the ceilings. So now I have to take all my stuff down and start over. I am so very sad! :-( I am envious of those that can make their rooms look so colorful and fancy. At least I can look at all of your rooms and smile! :-)
Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Labor Day weekend!
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5 months ago
I'm sorry you dedicated your time to making an interesting learning space only to be told to take it down. We have similar regs at our school. This is one of the few times we can be glad we have walls made of cinder blocks. Because they cannot burn, we were given a bit of latitude. I used to hang some art work from the ceiling and unless the fire chief did a fire drill and we were inspected, we felt safe. One teacher had every square inch of wall space covered and she was reported a few times. Of course after 35 years, they kind of leave you alone. She never took anything down ;D
Hi there! I love your pics.! I was curious about your imagination station, what types of materials do you have there? Was that pole there or did you mount it? Also curious about your schedule this is my first year as a kinder special Ed. Teacher ( I taught self contained previously). I was curious. Do your students spend the whole day with you?
Hi Tater Tot!
Thank you so much for your nice compliment on my room! The imagination station is a place where my kiddo's can go write, color, stamp or draw. No paint as it is on carpet. I will rotate different items throughout the year. Right now I have stencils in a bucket for them to use to trace with and added a tray of paper. But I have glue sticks, markers, crayons and pencils in the plastic containers. The containers and rod came from Ikea and I mounted it myself. I would be more than happy to send you a copy of my schedule if you want to send me your email address. My class is 4 hours long. I have them from 9:00 - 1:10 M-F. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions!
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