I planned to get so much more done during this Thanksgiving break but I ended up coming down with a horrible sinus infection and was in bed until Wednesday night! Why is it every holiday break I come down with something? I have yet to have a fun or productive break! This is the first day I have been able to actually sit at my computer and manage to get something done. I did manage to get a little Math Center done so I thought I would share it with whoever wishes to download it. My brain is still foggy as the antibiotics have not kicked in yet so this is the best I could do for now! :-)
The first part of the center is counting the objects and then placing the correct number next to them and the second half is an AB, AAB, ABB pattern strips. I have copied mine on cardstock and laminated them so we can use them for the entire month of December.
Hope you like them!
*FREE* Fall Woodland Animals Printable Bookmarks
5 months ago
Hope you are feeling better Jeannie. I'm giving you the sunshine award. Head over to my blog to check it out.
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