We have hit the holiday's running hard and I don't think it will stop until December 23rd!. We are so busy with making great stuff, learning about sharing, being thankful, and playing that it seems like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. These are the items that we have managed to get done and placed up on the walls. Just thought I would "share" them with you. We are having our "thankful" feast on Friday. We will be making our own butter, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pies. My students are so excited! I LOVE this time of year and I just wanted to say "thank you" to all of you out there in bloggy land for so many GREAT and WONDERFUL inspirations and ideas. You all make my teaching come alive! :-)
Sorry about the quality of some of the pictures. My room has TONS of windows and I get the worst glare no matter what time of day I try to take pictures!
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5 months ago
LOVE your pilgrims! :)
How are you making the cranberries and the pies? I would love to know how you are doing this!
The holidays are the best time for arts and crafts and special activities! I used to home-preschool my nieces and we made ornaments or other decorations every single day!
Mrs. Coe,
We are kind of cheating on the pumpkin pies. The kiddos will be crushing up graham crackers to make as the crust then they will spoon on the "pumpkin pudding" then they will add some whip cream to the top. They will each make their own in a clear dixie cup. We will be making our cranberry sauce the day before. I use whole cranberries about 4 cups or so, 1 cup of orange juice and 1 cup of sugar. Cook the orange juice and sugar until it boils. Add cranberries, boil until you hear them start popping. Reduce heat and simmer until sauce thickens. Once it thickens, you can let stand for 15 minutes or so and serve. We like ours cold so that is why we will make them the day before. The students will help me measure the ingredients then we will cook them on a single burner that I have in the classroom. Hope this helps explain my EASY way of making things!
Thank you ladies for your sweet compliments!
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