I went to my classroom AGAIN yesterday to work on my "Makeover" but every time I leave there it is more of a mess than when I started. The problem is we only have limited time to be at the school (although I do have access to it all summer) BUT I live 45 minutes away from my school. So by the time I get there I only have about 3 hours to work in my classroom. Boy, this is starting to sound like a complaint form!! Sorry.... Ok, this is what I have so far. Remember this is just the beginning stages, it is by all means not even close to being finished. I would love any comments, suggestions and even a little criticism (be gentle though!).
Front of my class - Circle Time
(I do not like the mats but can't afford a rug right now)
Still looks a little BLAH...
My desk
Imagination Station in progress.. Yep, I have a Fire Extinguisher smack in the middle of my board.
This is the decal that will go on the Imagination Station. I found this idea on another blogspot but for the life of me cannot remember "Whoo's".. If you are the creator of this idea, PLEASE let me know so I can give credit where credit is due.. Plus, I would love to see yours again!
My "Target Treasure". I got this lamp on clearance for $14 bucks! Regularly $30! YAY!!! Love it..
Another Target find. Didn't get it on sale though. :-( But couldn't resist!
Dollar spot @ Target about 2 years ago! Still love them and yes, I do wear those slippers!!
Found these at a WalMart this month while on a family reunion in Oregon. Saw them and just knew I had to have them for my imagination station. They are JUMBO push pins. I am just hoping the kids don't poke themselves with them!
*FREE* Fall Woodland Animals Printable Bookmarks
5 months ago
Looks like you have it coming together nicely. We only get about 7 days to get our rooms completed. We don't have night or weekend access at all. If the janitors aren't there, then no one can be there. What is on the right side of the board? It looks like some sort of grid? I used those same mats. My room has no carpet and then at the end of last year the assistant director of special ed told us we had some emergency money that we had to spend. They didn't give us a price range, so I asked for the biggest rug that I could find in under 30 minutes. $600! and I got it. I will post a pic soon. It is so beautiful. Keep going on your room, before you know it, it will be May!
It's coming along.. still working on it. Hope to have it done by next week. The grid is my board math. We do Board Math at our school (follows along with the Core Standards). I really wish I could get a rug. Just looked at my mats yesterday and they are not in the best condition. :-(
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