I have been away from my blog for several days due to a trip to Oregon for a Family Reunion. It was absolutely a very memorable 5 days and so wonderful to see family members that I have not seen in 15+ years. Lots of pictures were taken and many memories made... with that being said, I am back to reality and back on the trail of blog stocking for more wonderful ideas! I must say, I am one of the luckier ones as we do not start back to school until a day after labor day so I get the pleasure of sitting home for another month to "look" at more great ideas before returning to my classroom. I saw this idea on http://wildaboutk.blogspot.com and thought what a great idea for me to use in my classroom as I teach special education kinders and we are constantly redirecting the students to certain areas of the classroom so I thought if I made this a first day scavenger hunt, made a little game out of it with a "reward" at the end then perhaps my kiddos would learn the areas quicker. Of course we might have to modify it and make it a weekly scavenger hunt for the first few months! So thank you Wild about K for the wonderful inspiration!
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5 months ago
Love this idea! Im a special ed teacher too, but my kiddos are a little older! I hope we can share lots of ideas!
Thank you Ms. Rachel! I love to share ideas! :-)
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