I am so excited to be a part of a new blogging adventure that is called Blog Hoppin! I found this link from Growing Kinders by Abby. HOP on over to http://imbloghoppin.blogspot.com and add your post about you!
Tell us a little something about you...
This is my 2nd year teaching special education Kindergarten as a teacher and I was a paraprofessional in the preK program for 3 years. I started out 19 years ago (yes, I am showing my age now) in the K-8 credential program, went through all the classes and was in my 5th month of student teaching when tragedy/miracle struck our lives and I ended up having to be on complete bed rest for 6 months. That day changed my life's path for 14 years and I wouldn't trade it for any thing! I did not find special education, it found me and I am so thankful that it did. It really is my true passion and I absolutely LOVE teaching my special ed kinders! I eat, breathe and sleep teaching now (ok, I have become addicted to the teacher blogging too) and can't wait to learn the next new thing. I am a forever learner!
I have been married for 29 years to my best friend in the whole world. If he can put up with me for all these years, trust me ladies, he is a "One of a Kind"! We met in college at WSU (Go Cougs!) when I was 18 and he was 22. An older man!! Whoo Hoo! We met in May, he asked me to marry him in September and we got married in December. Yes, a real May to December romance. And did I mention he was a blind date? We have 2 beautiful children. A daughter who is 25 (and in nursing school) and a son who just turned 20 (who is studying Graphic Design). They are the other "Loves of my life".
How long have you been teaching?
This is my 2nd year teaching special education Kindergarten as a teacher and I was a paraprofessional in the preK program for 3 years. I was chosen as a long term sub in a Developmentally Disabled PreK class but before the teacher was due back, I was very blessed to have been asked to take a permanent position as a DD (Developmentally Disabled) Kindergarten class teacher. It was bitter-sweet as I didn't want to leave my temporary PreK class but knew I just had to take the permanent Kinder class. Best decision I ever made. I LOVE my classroom and ALL the staff at my school.. again, so BLESSED!
What are you looking most forward to this school year?
To actually starting off the new school year as a teacher in my own classroom with an entirely new batch of kiddo's! I have subbed for another teacher, I took over my Kinder class last year after Christmas break because the former teacher decided to retire so yeah, I am really excited to start out fresh and new and to implement ALL the wonderful ideas and lessons I have been learning this summer from ALL the great bloggers I have met. So thank you ladies. You are a godsend!
What do you need to improve?
I need to improve on confidence. I feel so over whelmed half the time that I feel like I have not given it my all (I am my worst critic). Hopefully this will come with time and more experience.
Secondly, I REALLY NEED to improve my circle times. So, if anyone wants to give me some GREAT advice or even how they run their circle times, I am ALL eyes and ears! :-)
I would have to say I need to be aware of implementing more Math into my daily teachings. I have never been a lover of math but with all these new ideas I have stumbled across this summer, I cannot wait to use them in my Math Station.
What teaching supplies can you *not* live without?
1. My laminator. I am so attached to it that I have one in my classroom and one at home. Love this machine. Did I mention I love this machine?
2. My daily coffee from McDonald's (I love Starbucks but on a teachers budget, daily coffee has to be somewhat reasonable) and my CASE of Diet Coke in my class fridge. No further comment needed! (I know, I need to go to a Diet Coke-a-holics meeting).
3. My wonderful Assistant. Couldn't do it without her. Thank you Barbara!
4. ALL my art supplies. I am a total art fanatic. We do a project for everything!
5. My bulletin board supplies! (Ok, I admit, I have an addiction to those too and cannot turn down a cute border!).
So, now, it's time to link up your bio over at Blog Hoppin’. Click on the image below to take you there! You can use the questions above or write anything else you would like as long as it pertains to the topic of the day : YOU!
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5 months ago
Nice to meet you! I also teach special education, so I signed up to follow you now too. I look forward to reading more from you.
I'm with you on the Diet Coke for sure! We are all our worst critics, so take it easy on yourself and know you are doing your best! :-)
Thanks Ladies! I am so glad to meet you too! Thank you for sharing your ideas with all of us other teachers too! This is such a great community of educators and I am so glad I found the "blogging"..... Can't wait to read more from both of you too!
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