I am absolutely obsessed with this now after reading many of your blogs. I am not one to sit idle so I started stalking the internet to learn all about Pete! "Oh my goodness" as Pete would say, I am totally in love with this Blue cat now! I have found a great website by the publisher of the book and you can download the author of the book reading and singing the book. I have downloaded them and my mind is now racing with so many things that I can do with these two stories. I am so excited to use this with my class in September I can hardly contain myself. (I do have to admit, I made my 20 year old son and his girlfriend sit and listen to it with me, YES, both songs and YES, from beginning to end!) They thought it was so funny! Here is the link for now... back to the internet to find more ideas!!
*FREE* Fall Woodland Animals Printable Bookmarks
4 months ago
Thank you so much for entering my giveaway! I'm your newest follower and can't wait to look around! :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Your button is the cutest thing EVER!!!!!! I think my owl and your monkey could be good friends! :)
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Thank you and so glad to have you here! And YES, they can certainly be friends! :-)
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