Woo Hoo! I have 150 followers and it's time for a GREAT give away!
Well, I am teaming with Dreamlike Magic and we are having a great give away for a new blog design! The winner may choose a pre-made blog design from her ETSY shop! WOW! She designed my blog and I love it! There is a link to Alicia's ETSY shop on her blog!
All you need to do is:
1. Follow my blog
2. Follow Dreamlike Magic's Blog
3. POST ABOUT THE GIVE AWAY ON YOUR BLOG! If you don't have a blog, then post on your Facebook page. If you don't have a Facebook page, then tell your friends :-) MOST IMPORTANT!!
4. "Like" Dreamlike Magic's Facebook Page
5. "Like" Live Love Laugh Everyday In Kindergarten's Facebook Page
You don't have to comment for each item. You only need to do all of these things and leave one comment on my blog! Contest starts NOW and will end on Friday, July 15th at 12:00 AM. We will announce the winner on Friday! Alicia is adding a few new premade blog designs to her ETSY shop!!
Ready, set....GO!!
*FREE* Fall Woodland Animals Printable Bookmarks
4 months ago
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